Do you have a story to share?

We are lucky, here at St Wulfstan surgery, to have so many inspirational patients who have overcome such hardships with grace and strength! We would love to hear from patients who would like to share their experiences with the rest of our patients. Whether that be through dealing with anything from chronic disease, cancer, mental health or any other illness that has affected your life.

If you are interested in showcasing your story, please contact us as we would love to give you the opportunity, whether it be anonymously or not, to hopefully inspire and give comfort to others who may be going through something similar.

Contact us via email -

Easiest and important way to protect yourself and others!

We all know how important hand hygiene is after the last year or living in COVID times. However, it is easily forgotten once life starts resuming to normality.

As it is Global Hand Hygiene Day, we thought we should share a short video to remind us all!

Using the proper hand washing technique is one of the most effective and easiest way to protect yourself and others from the transfer of germs and illnesses.

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month

What is Perinatal Mental Health?

Perinatal mental health (PMH) problems are those which occur during pregnancy or in the first year following the birth of a child. Perinatal mental illness affects up to 20% of new and expectant mums and covers a wide range of conditions.

Having a baby is a big life event. It's natural to experience a range of emotions during pregnancy and after giving birth. But if any difficult feelings start to have a big effect on your day-to-day life, you might be experiencing a perinatal mental health problem. 

This maybe a new mental health problem, or an episode of a problem you've experienced in the past.

NCT Support Walks

NCT is an organisation whose mission is to “support parents through the first 1,000 days, to have the best possible experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood”. They do this through 3 main avenues of Sharing knowledge, creating networks and harnessing voices.

View their website here.

They run lovely local walks for parents and toddlers which is open to everyone. All these events are volunteer run and are free (parking charges at venues may apply and donations are most welcome - you can donate when you book).

Advance booking is essential. Please use links below to reserve spaces (if your desired event fills up, do check on the day as cancellations happen and spaces open up).

View their Facebook group here to keep up to date with local activities.

By Your Side

By Your Side was launched with Coventry and Warwickshire Perinatal Mental Health Team with an aim to support families who have accessed the service with emotional difficulties during pregnancy or in the year following the birth of their child, through the addition of a peer support service as well as breaking down the stigma and barriers that prevent people seeking the help and support they need.

Sue Drewitt, Perinatal Service Manager at Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, said: “This is just a wonderful opportunity for women who have been, or are being seen by the Perinatal service to come together with their children. It’s a group where there is no stigma and women can just be themselves and if they choose, share how they feel whilst being at the ‘stay and play’. It’s a safe, friendly environment where everyone has fun and enjoys each other’s company”.

View their Facebook page here to keep up to date with any local events and updates.


Springfield Mind is our local branch of the charity Mind. They offer general mental health support via helplines, local branches and an online community.

They also have a great page on postnatal depression and perinatal mental health, which encompasses support, causes, partners, self care and more. To view this click here.

If you feel you are struggling with your mental health, please talk to your GP. You can book an appointment with one of our GPs by calling 01926 810939, or by booking online through your patient access or NHS app.

Welcome Back Dr Turner!

Lets all give a warm welcome back to Dr J Turner! Who is very generously helping with GP cover until September 2021.

Lets give him the welcome he deserves!

Dr Turner’s first clinic back will be this upcoming Tuesday 2th May 2021, which you can book via your patient access or NHS app, or by ringing the lovely ladies on reception on 01926 810939.

Your COVID-19 Vaccination Passport?

There has been a lot of talk about COVID-19 Vaccination Passports. It now appears likely that the NHS App will be able to display your vaccination status, and therefore serve as proof that you have been vaccinated. This is expected to be introduced following an update to the NHS App on 17th May 2021.

So that’s another great reason to download the NHS App, as well as using it to book or cancel appointments, request your medications or view your medical records!

It’s probably worth noting that the GP surgery is not involved in this process.

Our May Bank Holiday Opening Hours

St Wulfstan Surgery’s opening hours this upcoming may bank holiday are as follows:

Friday 30th June - 08:00 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00

Saturday 1st May - Closed

Sunday 2nd May - Closedonday 3rd May - Closed

Tuesday 4th May - 08:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 18:00

Pharmacy opening hours are as follows:

ASDA Pharmacy, Chesterton Dr, Sydenham, Leamington Spa CV31 1YD

Monday 3rd May - 9:00 - 18:00

We hope you enjoy your long weekend.

If you have an urgent problem whilst we are closed, please dial 111.
If you have a life threatening problem whilst we are closed, please dial 999.

Welcome to the Team, Mina!

Mina Hunjan, Clinical Pharmacist

Mina Hunjan, Clinical Pharmacist

We are proud to introduce Mina to our team. She is a very experienced Clinical Pharmacist who joins our current team of pharmacists; Hitesh and Rajveer. Our clinical pharmacy team work with us as part of the Warwickshire East Primary Care Network (PCN).

She brings with her great knowledge in the safe use of medications with a particular interest in Care Home residents. She will be working with us to ensure our prescribing is as safe and effective as it can be.

Welcome Mina!

Carers Survey - Understanding your health and wellbeing needs

Healthwatch Warwickshire is running a survey for their Carers project to ascertain your mental and physical health and wellbeing needs as a carer.

Providing support for someone can be very rewarding and fulfilling. However, it can also be emotionally and physically draining. Take the survey to notify Warwickshire county council of the kind of support you find beneficial. Your feedback will help them understand if their services are meeting your needs. This is your opportunity to say what you think works well, what doesn't work,  and what further support you might need. 

Follow this link to go to their page for more information and to take the survey today - ends Friday 14th May 2021.

What is the project about?

Healthwatch Warwickshire would like to hear from people who are carers or provide care and support for a relative, friend or neighbour. Healthwatch Warwickshire want to;

  1. Understand their health and wellbeing needs. What matters to them? What do they need to help them maintain their health and wellbeing?

  2. Reach out to those who don’t identify with the term ‘Carer’, but do have caring duties in order to raise awareness of support services available to them and their rights as a Carer.

Healthwatch Warwickshire want to know from Carers

They want to understand the carers journey;

  • Who knows what they do (e.g. GP, friend, support service)

  • How much time they spend doing things they enjoy?

  • Do they feel they need any support for their physical and/or emotional health?

  • Where would they go for support?

  • What are the barriers to them accessing support?

  • How would they like to access that support? (e.g. face to face, online…)

Round of applause to our nursing team!

Donna SimmsHealthcare Assistant

Donna Simms

Healthcare Assistant

Tricia MortonPractice Nurse

Tricia Morton

Practice Nurse

Georgie SpencerNurse

Georgie Spencer


Lou HartHealthcare Assistant

Lou Hart

Healthcare Assistant

We just wanted to share with you the results of this year’s annual phlebotomy survey, where we ask all patients who are having blood tests over a given week to fill out a short survey about the service. 29 patients took part.

100% of the patients who took part rated the service as ‘excellent’ in each of the required categories:

·         comfort and cleanliness

·         being treated in a courteous and professional manner

·         skills of the blood-taking staff

·         overall level of care

Everyone was happy with their wait on the day – everyone was seen within 15 minutes of their appointment time. Only two of the respondents were unhappy with the time they had to wait for an appointment.

Every respondent said that they would recommend the service to family and friends

These are brilliant results!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey, but in particular our wonderful nursing team! After such a difficult year, how fantastic to have such lovely feedback about our nursing service!

Our fondest farewell to our very own Dr Tim Coker

Dr Tim Coker’s Retirement

With my wife, Grania O’Mahony, we started St Wulfstan Surgery nearly 20 yrs ago. 20 years this August in fact.

We started with 800 patients, two doctors, 1 nurse, 2 receptionists and a practice manager. 20 years on we are approaching 8000 patients, 6 doctors, 20 staff plus another 5 or so attached staff working across the local practices.

Right from the start we wanted the surgery to be different. We wanted to provide the best, the most convenient and to always say “yes” when someone wanted an appointment. We wanted to form a practice with a community feeling to it, where people felt they were involved and would be proud to work for the practice or to be a patient registered there.

Basically what we wanted was to provide a service that we ourselves would want to receive, that if someone asked me whether I would want to be a patient at this practice I would say “yes”.

Grania and I are now retiring and I wanted to say just a few things looking back over those 20 years.

It has not always been easy. At the beginning we could never take time off together, the days were long and the weekends even longer. But with time we grew. We have always focussed on taking new doctors and staff with the St Wulfstan ethos of quality of care, good access to appointments, patient involvement and good communication. 

I am pleased to be able to say I think we are leaving a practice that is in excellent hands. Drs Viswanathan and Al-Ramadani, practice manager Lindsay Ward, all the clinical staff (doctors, nurses and health care assistants) and admin and reception have been the best of colleagues and friends. Without them, and their positive support, always prepared to go the extra mile, come up with new ideas, (sometimes telling me which of our ideas are not so sensible), we could not have thrived the way we have.

So, I will be forever grateful to everyone at the practice for its success, the enjoyment and honour of working as a GP in Southam and the harmony of the surgery. 

Of course it is the patients and the local population that have made the last 20 years so worthwhile for us both. We were delighted to be graded as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission and by the patients’ involvement in our assessment.

Really the support of the patients over the many years has been tremendous. Being the local GP, looking after generations of families, with their ups and downs, their joys and sadness, is something I will always remember. It has been a job like no other and it is the patients who have literally taken us into their homes, revealed their deepest worries and given us such trust that makes being a GP such a privilege. Many people have touched our lives and there are many people I think of frequently who have given us their kindness and encouragement.

So thank you for reading this short goodbye. We are hoping to be off to Zanzibar in July to work for a local hospital there. We hope our Swahili will improve whilst we are away and we will of course be thinking of home and of you whilst we are away. I may not be called “the young doctor” anymore, but I still feel I am inside.

Written by Dr T Coker

Warwickshire's new online mental health support for young people

Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community for young people.

Kooth is a safe and confidential way for young people to access emotional wellbeing and early intervention mental health support. The service will be available to all young people across Warwickshire aged 11-25 years from 29 March. is an award winning and innovative online mental health and wellbeing support service, accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), which will support and complement the existing offer operated by Rise - a family of NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing & mental health services for young people across the county.

Rise already provide a well-established 24/7 telephone service providing crisis support to young people across Warwickshire. Kooth will deliver digital self-help resources and online counselling to further extend the local offer.

Fully trained and qualified counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners are available from midday to 10pm, and from 6pm to 10pm at weekends, 365 days a year to provide a much needed out-of-hours service for emotional support in an accessible way. Sessions can be booked in advance or they can drop in for one-to-one instant text-based chats.

The service also encourages peer to peer support via moderated discussion forums, and self-help through reading or submitting content. Children and young people have 24/7 access to magazines with wellbeing articles, personal experiences and tips from young people and the Kooth team, as well as giving members the opportunity to write in a daily journal to track feelings or emotions and promote a positive mental health and wellbeing.

MS Awareness Week

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects your brain and spinal cord. In MS, the coating that protects your nerves (myelin) is damaged. This causes a range of symptoms like blurred vision and problems with how we move, think and feel.

More than 130,000 people in the UK have MS. In the UK people are most likely to find out they have MS in their thirties, forties and fifties. But the first signs of MS often start years earlier. Many people notice their first symptoms years before they get their diagnosis.

MS affects almost three times as many women as men.

What happens in MS?

To understand what happens in multiple sclerosis, it's useful to understand how the central nervous system works.

A substance called myelin protects the nerve fibres in the central nervous system, which helps messages travel quickly and smoothly between the brain and the rest of the body.

In MS, your immune system, which normally helps to fight off infections, mistakes myelin for a foreign body and attacks it. This damages the myelin and strips it off the nerve fibres, either slightly or completely, leaving scars known as plaques.

This damage disrupts messages travelling along nerve fibres – they can slow down, become distorted, or not get through at all.

As well as losing the myelin, there can sometimes be damage to the actual nerve fibres too. It's this nerve damage that causes the increase in disability that can occur over time.

What causes MS symptoms?

The central nervous system links everything your body does, so multiple sclerosis can cause many different types of symptoms. The specific symptoms that appear depend on which part of your central nervous system has been affected, and the job of the damaged nerve.


MS Society’s website is full of useful support advice and guidance, which you can view here. However below are some of the local support groups for us near Southam.

Click to view their webpages.

If you would like to speak to a GP about any concerns you may have, please do so by calling us on 01926 810939 or by booking via the NHS app / Patient Access.


Parkinson's Support

Parkinson’s UK

Parkinson’s UK has an amazing range of support whether it be for your health care, social care or just everyday life. They have in depth and user friendly advice on everything from diet and exercise to going into hospital and getting around. Click here to view their advice and help on everyday life with Parkinson’s.

Support Groups

Parkinson’s UK also have many local support groups across the country which are run by wonderful volunteers. The groups welcome family members, carers and health or social care professions alongside people with Parkinson’s disease.

See below for our local group.

Local Support Group - Royal Leamington Spa

We are a group of volunteers who offer information, friendship and support to people with Parkinson's, their families and carers living in Leamington Spa, Warwick, Kenilworth, Southam and the surrounding areas. Don't struggle on your own - join us!

There is a £2 cost that includes refreshments. Every one is welcome and there is no need to book. There is free parking on site. 

We also run Physiotherapy, exercise and music sessions plus a Friendship group.

BRANCH ANSWER PHONE If you are unable to contact us on the numbers provided, please leave a message on the branch phone and one of the committee will get back to you as soon as possible. 07539 484677

Primary contact:

Pam Marchant

Tel: 01926 850869



Nelson Club

21 Charles Street


CV34 5LE

Accessible parking available


We like a good helpline here at St Wulfstan as it means you are never too far from help or advice if you need it. Parkinson’s UK’s helpline is so beneficial for people who need advice on; medical issues surrounding Parkinson’s, employment and benefit issues, health and social care, emotional support, local activities and signposting to other sources of information which will benefit you.

Opening Times for April 2021 (helpline):

  • Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm

  • Saturday: 10am to 2pm

Closed on Sundays and bank holidays

  • You can also email: or write to: Helpline, Parkinson's UK, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ

Back to school 👩‍🏫

Two of our admin staff are currently embarking on a new opportunity to educate themselves and expand their knowledge within the medical administrative environment.

Jodie and Libby are both partaking in the AMSPAR course - Level 3 diploma in Medical Administration.

The course goes through subjects such as the basics of confidentiality and medical administration to the more intense and vast amount of medical terminology and the legality of medical administration.

As they are doing this in their own time, they are having to find ways to fit studying in around their daily lockdown lives.

Whether that be waiting till the peace and quiet of the kid’s bedtime, or finding the time and space on the kitchen counter in between cooking meals.

So far they are doing an amazing job, with distinctions round the board!

We wish them the best of luck for their future examinations, and hope to celebrate their results without zoom being involved!

Parkinson's Awareness Week

symptoms of Parkinson's Disease include motor and nonmotor skill symptoms

Parkinson’s Disease is a neurological or movement disorder which can cause many of the symptoms shown in the image above. It can be very debilitating, but there are effective treatments which can help.

The more common symptoms involve what has been described as a ‘pill-rolling’ tremor of the hands and fingers when resting. And ‘shuffling’ or slow movement when walking.

If you or a loved one are suffering symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease then a face-to-face GP assessment would be advised, or feel free free to visit for further help.

If you or a loved one is actually suffering with Parkinson’s Disease then it’s important to remember that there is lots of support available. is a great to place to start! If you click the link the website very cleverly takes you to exactly the right support, whether you are a sufferer, are relative or friend, or if you think you may have Parkinson’s Disease. We also have a post coming this week in regards to more local support for the disease.

By Dr Al-Ramadani

By Dr Al-Ramadani