Health & Wellbeing Coaching — St Wulfstan Southam Surgery CQC rated OUTSTANDING

Health & Wellbeing coaching

We are fortunate to have an excellent Health & Wellbeing Team as part of our membership of Warwickshire East Primary Care Network.

Our Health & Wellbeing service is here to help you, empower you, and lead to sustainable changes that can improve your health & wellbeing for good.

Health & Wellbeing Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions are a new highly personalised service now offered to all patients within the Warwickshire East Primary Care Network which covers Southam, St Wulfstan, Kineton, Harbury and Fenny Compton surgeries. 


The sessions allow time for patients to talk and describe their health issues from their own point of view. Patients are encouraged to bring their health concerns to the table and discuss their symptoms in a way to tell their stories from the beginning. The coach aims to work together with each patient to help them identify how the symptoms and health issues may connect with each other within the context of a whole person approach.  


Time to understand

The conversations with the coach are one-to-one and involve more than just symptoms. The coaching sessions aim to gather all the relevant information to give patients some perspective and help them understand the logic of their own bodies. Symptoms rarely just show up with no warning. By learning how to read the early signs that the body sends when lifestyle and diet are putting pressure on the system, patients learn to recognise important aspects they can positively influence for themselves. 


The Health & Wellbeing Coach is there to guide patients on: 

  • How to gather an understanding of the mechanisms behind their symptoms

  • How to relate many scattered symptoms in a logic way to better understand their bodies

  • How to approach lifestyle changes that could improve the management of their conditions

  • How to maintain sustainable lifestyle changes for the long term and better prevent the development of further chronic diseases


The work done between patient and coach is of shared commitment whereby patients and coach work together as a team. Patients provide the coach with valuable information on their personal lifestyles, preferences and circumstances, all of which impact their symptoms and conditions. The coach provides guidance, education and advice to empower patients to gain more control over their own health.  


Who can benefit from coaching sessions?

Patients who suffer from one or more chronic conditions will learn how to adjust and improve their experiences so symptoms are better managed and quality of life improved. Those patients who are not diagnosed with any chronic diseases but would like to improve blood markers such as cholesterol levels, glucose, HbA1c, uric acid, homocysteine and others along with high blood pressure, weight and pain can also positively influence their health outcomes through working with the Health & Wellbeing Coach. Finally, all of those who wish to understand more about how their individual choices around lifestyle can affect their health are welcome to work with the coach to improve future health outcomes. Ultimately, the main criteria for working with the Health & Wellbeing Coach is patient interest for engagement with the management of their own health.


How does it work? 

Patients may self-refer to the service or they may be referred by their GPs and other healthcare providers. Once referred, patients will be put in contact with the Patient-Care-Coordinator who will arrange for their sessions with the coach to be booked.  

As part of the work, questionnaires on lifestyle and diet are also sent for patients to fill in and return in preparation for their sessions. Information about each individual is gathered in order to consider a multitude of aspects and enable the coach to provide truly personalised advice.  Coaching sessions last about one hour each and number of sessions vary according to each individual's personal needs. The aim is for patients to become confident in the self-management of their health and learn how best to prevent the development of future diseases.


For more information, contact Fraser Hamilton (Patient-Care-Coordinator) on or speak to your GP.