Kindness, by Dr Jaiye Olaleye

“On our own, we cannot end wars or wipe out injustice, but the cumulative impact of thousands of small acts of goodness can be bigger than we imagine.”
— Quote HM Queen Elizabeth II

As we celebrate the Queens' Platinum Jubilee this weekend, kindness is a word that shines in my heart. Her pictures, her presence, her poise, her eyes,  speak kindness and calm.


I fully recollect periods in my life when

I have received kindness from others through their actions,  gifts, or from words. 

I want to believe I have also been a giver of kindness in various different ways.


Kindness can be an act of compassion towards others but also to ourselves. The latter is also termed 'self-compassion'.


 As humans,  we all have this inborn need to feel connected, accepted, understood, cared for or even believed! This need can sometimes make us vulnerable, it causes us to give, sometimes beyond our perceived capacity.


Remember, you can only give what you have.  Taking some time to be kind to yourself everyday, helps build a reservoir from where you can dip from to give others.

Self- Compassion can be specific acts that boost our physical and emotional wellbeing on a regular basis.

-       Healthful Eating, reducing intake of ultra-processed foods.

-       Regular Physical Activity, reducing time spent sitting.

-       Avoid behaviours that affect sleep.

-       Minimising harmful substances or behaviour.

-       Develop and sustain healthy relationships that increase social connection.

-       Actively managing stress, improving health through connection to nature.


I think of  self -compassion both as a Proactive kindness and  a reactive one. We should aim to do more proactive self - kindness.


Proactive self - kindness is being kind to oneself  with the fullness of  intention, taking specific action steps even before an event triggers it compared to Reactive self - kindness, waiting to reward oneself only after a negative or stressful situation or a specific goal is achieved. It is not unusual for this to be linked with unhealthy choices which unfortunately have further negative impact on our health and wellbeing.


I really want to encourage us not to wait till we are stressed before we start looking after our physical and emotional health.


Proactive self - kindness can be practised daily. A mindset that is ready to do, ready to go and not giving up is a good starting point!

Remember small acts of goodness can cause changes bigger than we imagine.


If you need help starting  or wish to explore more health and wellbeing topics why not have a look at the silvercloud digital wellbeing help on our website:


We also have a health and wellbeing coach for the area and social prescribers who are very nice! Please let us know if you would like to be put in touch with them.


Thank you all for the lovely Welcome to the practice! I look forward to meeting you at some point.


Yours truly,

Dr Jaiye Olaleye.

GP | Interests in Lifestyle Medicine & Women's Health.