April is Bowel Cancer Awareness month. And that matters. As the 4th most common cancer in the UK it’s important to be aware of some the symptoms of bowel cancer. And just because you have these symptoms, it doesn’t mean you have bowel cancer, but only that we need to be more alert. If we suspect cancer, we can act quickly, often resulting in a hospital appointment within 2 weeks if it is needed.
What are the symptoms of bowel cancer?
Be aware of the following symptoms. Again, if you have these it doesn’t mean you have cancer, but that it is worthy of a conversation with your GP to discuss further.
from the back passage or in the poo (stool)
Change in bowel habit
a change to looser or more frequent stool lasting more than a few weeks
Tummy pain
Frequent, recurrent tummy pain occurring for more than a few weeks
Weight loss
Especially if you have lost more than 5% body weight in the last 6 months unintentionally
How will you investigate my symptoms?
We have many tests available to help us investigate your symptoms further. Blood tests can be useful, and so too can certain stool samples. These samples can look at many things including bowel infection, bowel inflammation and even looking for fine traces of blood in your stool.
If necessary we can refer you to the hospital for further tests. This can include scans and a camera test to look at the inside of your bowel (endoscopy).
What about bowel screening?
Bowel screening tests are so, so important. We have come across many cases where people have been diagnosed with bowel cancer following a screening test, even before developing symptoms, and therefore giving the best change of a good outcome.
The screening test is sent every 2 years to those aged between 60 and 74 years. If you're 75 or over, you can ask for a kit every 2 years by phoning the free bowel cancer screening helpline on 0800 707 60 60.
For more details on screening, please visit the NHS bowel cancer screening page.
By Dr Ramadani