A day in the life of our Admin team

Hello! You probably won’t know us by face, but we make up the Admin Team at St Wulfstan Surgery.

Hidden all the way upstairs are Damaris, Sarah, Chris, Jodie, Gemma and Libby. We handle much of the behind the scenes work to your care to ensure your transition from primary to secondary care is as smooth as possible and that the administrative work behind the day to day life of the surgery is maintained to a high standard.

Our tasks are hugely varied – from chasing hospital consultants for updates on your care to comparing printer toner prices for the best deal. We’ve even been known to do a bit of the cleaning  when our resident cleaner has been off!

At the top of our priority list though is anything that involves your direct care. If the GP feels you need to be seen by a hospital or other service, we will ensure that your referral has the right information, is sent to the right place, in the right format and as quickly as possible.  We know that many hospital services have extended waiting times right now so we work hard to ensure that we don’t add to your wait.

We also are responsible for making sure that those of you due any routine checks, blood tests or immunisations are sent an invitation at the right time.  We’re trying hard to reduce our use of paper so you may start to see more of these invitations sent as a text message or email. Please help us out and let us know whenever you change any of your contact details!    

Other tasks we manage as a team include: updating your records with clinic letters and results when you have been seen in hospital, managing paper records when you join or leave the practice, handling information requests from insurance companies, solicitors, DVLA and other third parties…and a whole host of other things that ensure we are kept busy at all times.

We may not be keen on showing our faces but we do love to talk… if you need to discuss anything with us we can be contacted by selecting option 3 on the main number.

If any of the above appeals to you, we are currently hiring a full time admin assistant! If you are interested in applying, please apply via the following link.

Click here to apply!