Need Help Managing Stress? Don't We All...

We all go through times of suffering with stress. Often we fall victim to stress and feel helpless. But there are ways to learn more about stress, understand it, and manage it so that we control the stress, rather than the stress controlling us.

All of our patients (and those belonging to our local surgeries) now have access to an online self help platform called Silver Cloud. Within the platform you will find a module to help with stress. You don’t even need a referral.

This programme is designed to help users manage and reduce their current symptoms of stress, while developing resilience against stressful experiences in the future. Using CBT techniques, individuals will learn to better understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and learn how to make positive changes relating to stress.

Skills and Strategies

Throughout the programme, individuals will be guided to reflect on and develop their own strengths and skills, while increasing their ability to cope with stressful situations. Within the programme, individuals will be introduced to a variety of mindfulness exercises encouraging them to focus on the present moment.

Participants will Focus on Creating and Finding Balance for a Less Stressful Life by:

  • Identifying their different life areas

  • Rating the stress and satisfaction they experience in each

  • Deciding on the importance of each area

  • Assessing how much of their time they spend in each

  • Reflecting on areas that could be contributing to their stress

Forging Ahead

Individuals will learn about creating goals for motivation, problem solving for dealing with stressful situations, and time management to determine the importance and urgency of tasks to overcome procrastination. They will also better understand the impact of exercise, diet, sleep and relationships on stress levels and techniques to assist in improving these areas.

Give it a try

To give it a try, and improve your mental wellness and wellbeing please visit:

And use the PIN CODE: WEPCN2022

Community Autism Support Service – CASS for Adults

Who is it for?

CASS provides support for autistic adults (diagnosed, awaiting diagnosis or those that think they may be autistic, age 18+), living in Coventry and Warwickshire. The service is suitable for individuals not currently accessing or eligible for learning disability support.

What Is Offered:

Support is aimed at providing individuals with the opportunity to:

  • Understand autism and how it affects them individually

  • Increase self-help strategies to better manage their emotional and mental wellbeing

  • Feel more confident to engage with others and community activities

  • Positively move forward independently to a more fulfilling life

Support Available

  • Peer Support Groups

  • Autism Education Course

  • Information and Signposting

  • Family/Carer support

For further information please visit the Mind in Coventry and Warwickshire Website or contact 024 7771 4545 or email

Of course our GPs are also always here to help.

Introducing Solid Foods - Weaning Hub 🥕 🥦 🍐 🍓👶

The NHS Better Health Start for Life Campaign has created a Weaning Hub with lots of useful information to help you introduce solid food to your child.

The hub has some great information including:

  • How to identify when your child is ready?

  • Preparing for weaning

  • What to feed your baby

  • Recipe and Meal Ideas

  • How to wean safely

For further information please visit the website.

An Introduction to Solids course runs monthly at The Grange Hall, Southam (invitation only). An invite will be sent to you in the post however if you do not receive one or you require any further advice you can contact the Health Visiting team on 01926 815045..

Support is available for anyone in Coventry and Warwickshire affected by suicide

Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council would like to remind people affected by suicide that free and confidential support is available to help them through this difficult time.

When someone dies by taking their own life, this can create a ripple throughout the community, having an impact on many people in lots of different ways. Whether you are grieving a loved one, a friend or colleague, or whether you have been affected by suicide as a passer-by or at work, you may be faced with a lot of complex emotions. Feelings such as sadness, guilt, shock, anger, frustration, confusion and isolation are common and can be really difficult to process.

To reassure people, no matter how they have been affected, that they don’t have to struggle on their own and that support is available to them, the councils have commissioned a new service. Support after suicide provider Amparo can offer specialist help to anyone living in Coventry or Warwickshire who has been bereaved or affected by suicide in any way.

Amparo provides free emotional and practical support in a range of ways based on an individual’s needs. This may include one-to-one individual advice, help dealing with police and coroners, dealing with media enquiries, support and guidance up to and including an inquest and help to access other local support services.
— Warwickshire County Council

The service can be accessed by calling 0330 088 9255, by emailing or through an online referral form available at

Of course you can also always speak to our GPs.

Bereavement and Grief Support Group Available ☕

Warwickshire East Primary Care Network run a support group for those who have lost someone or are caring for someone with a terminal illness or dementia.  

The meetings will provide an opportunity to meet and talk with others in a similar situation. The group will be led by Stig Graham who was the former Chaplain at Myton Hospice.  

The group will run on every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 2:30-4pm. There will be 6 sessions per course.  

Please email for further information or call: 07901236280  

Cervical Screening Awareness

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer amongst women under 35, but screening can help stop it before it starts. Protect yourself - attend your cervical screening. Cervical screening saves lives.

All women and people with a cervix between the ages of 25 and 64 should go for regular cervical screening. You'll get a letter in the post inviting you to make an appointment.

When you should be invited for cervical screening

This is based on your age, as follows:

  • Under 25 years of age: up to 6 months before you turn 25

  • 25 to 49 years of age: every 3 years

  • 50 to 64 years of age: every 5 years

  • 65+ years of age: Only if 1 of your last 3 tests was abnormal

If you have previously received an invite letter but not yet booked in please call the surgery on 01926 810939 to make an appointment.

For more information visit

Children's Mental Health Week - Growing Together

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week - 1 in 6 children and young people have a diagnosable mental health problem, whilst many more suffer from challenges such as bullying or bereavement.

Whilst it can often be difficult to understand where to go for help, there are many options out there.

  • Kooth - This is a free online platform providing help and support to young people. It gives young people a platform to discuss concerns with others, keep a journal, and message a support team who are there to help.

  • Young Minds - A website packed with useful help and resources. It also provides support for Parents looking to support their children.

  • RISE - Our local mental health services offer a wide range of courses to help manage anxiety, low self esteem, anger and many other issues.

  • School - Schools are well placed to help with mental wellness. If you have not done so, please consider discussing your concerns with your school, there maybe more help out there than you realised.

And finally, if you are struggling, you can always speak to one of our GP’s. We are always here to help!

Welcome to the admin team, Tanya!

We would like to welcome Tanya to our growing team at St Wulfstan Surgery. She brings with her great experience and will help us continue to deliver an efficient service to you all!

Hi my name is Tanya, I have a Gorgeous husband Joe and two amazing boys Tobias and Hugo.

I love going to the gym, spending time with my family and making memories. I have worked at St Wulfstan as bank staff since June, and have loved every minute, I am really looking forward to becoming a permanent member of this amazing team!
— Tanya

Welcome to the Reception Team Natalie

We are very happy to introduce Natalie who has joined our reception team, please see below for an introduction from Natalie.

Hi, my name is Natalie and I have just recently started working at St Wulfstan Surgery.
I have two children under the age of 5 and also a crazy 6 year old chocolate Labrador, so as you can imagine there is never a dull moment in our household.
I’m very excited about working for St Wulfstan surgery and am looking forward to getting to know both work colleagues and patients
— Natalie

Bye Bye Sarah & Welcome Dr Beirne

As a GP Training Practice we are really privileged to welcome GP Trainees who are in the process of training to become fully fledged GP’s. They bring with them great experience from their training at medical school, but also through extensive hospital based placements and others.

It has been a privilege to have Dr Sarah Whaley with us for the last 6 months but her placement has now come to an end and she moves into a 6 month placement in Palliative Medicine. She will always be welcome at St Wulfstan Surgery and we wish her the best for her very bright future!

In her place we welcome Dr Tom Beirne who will be joining us for 6 months.

A few words from Tom:

‘I am a GP trainee with an interest in Paediatrics and Acute medicine, I live with my fiance, son and dog and enjoy any activity that involves being outdoors!”
— Dr Tom Beirne

Free Workshops for people with Dementia and their carers: Arts Uplift

Arts and Dementia Warwickshire is a new arts programme for people living with dementia and their carers living in Warwickshire in the community, in In Patient wards and also in care homes. It has been commissioned by Warwickshire County Council. It will be a varied programme for 1.5 years including singing, performance poetry, arts and crafts, dance/movement, storytelling and reminiscence therapy. Alongside this there will be some training for care staff as well.

Please visit Arts Uplift more more details

In South Warwickshire we came across the following activities locally:

  • Warwick Memory Singers - Weekly on Wednesdays 1.00 pm to 2.30pm. £5 a week, carers go free. Held at Unitarian Chapel, 31 High Street, CV34 4AX. Further information or queries, contact Sarah Riddell 07722 632 242 or at

  • Orchestra of the Swan - Held at 14 Rother Street, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 6LU Tel: 01789 267567 Stratford contact Sue Pope to get more information

  • Dementia Café at Compton Verney is held at Compton Verney Art Gallery & Park (CV35 9HZ). Every first Tuesday of the month (10.30am - 12.30pm) Tel: 01295 688376 or 07964 683146 (Contact Heather or Paul) More information visit Compton Verney

  • Online Arts Uplift - Online choir weekly on a Monday from 2pm to 3pm its £5 per couple of £8 per group. Tel: 07946 585978 To join, contact Jenny Davis at

Children’s Community Autism Support Service

There are local services available to children, young people (up until their 19th birthday) who are on the neurodevelopmental waiting list for an autism diagnosis, or who have previously received a diagnosis but require support, and their families.

The service can offer low level support, focussing on understanding, communication, sensory integration, processing, behaviour, self-esteem, and daily routines and activities.

Online support groups are held Tuesday 7-8pm and Thursday 1-2pm.

There is also a wealth of other online support materials.

For more information, or to register, please visit Coventry & Warwickshire MIND