COVID-19 Vaccination Update

gloved hand holds vial labelled COVID-19 Vaccine


We can confirm that invitations to receive the COVID-19 vaccination have now started and vaccinations will be commencing later this week. Invitations will initially be made via telephone and text message. Invitations will be sent gradually according to both the supply of vaccine from the NHS, and according to the priority groups set out by the Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation.

For more information on the vaccine please visit the NHS website.

For ongoing updates please continue to visit our COVID-19 vaccination page, or register your email address below to be added to our weekly email update.

Join Our Patient Participation Group


We are always looking to welcome new members to our Patient Participation Group.

The Group are enthusiastic advocates for our patients and meet with our GP partners, one of our receptionists and our practice manager four times a year (virtually at the moment, of course).

The Group help us develop the practice’s services and are a great voice for our patients.

If you are interested in joining the Group, please contact our Practice Manager, Lindsay, via email:

Click here for the PPG webpage.

COVID-19 Vaccination Update

gloved hand holds vial labelled COVID-19 Vaccine

Our local COVID vaccination programme is due to commence imminently.

As previously reported, we have been told to expect vaccinations to commence next week. This remains the plan but is dependant on the delivery of vaccine arriving. Once a delivery date is confirmed, eligible patients will be contacted directly via telephone or text message from a central booking service (i.e. not from the surgery).

Many thanks for all your patience. For those who are eligible you don’t need to do anything. The central booking service will be in touch with you directly in due course, and invitations will be made over the coming weeks and months as the programme is rolled out to more and more people.

Please visit our COVID page for further regular updates.

Alternatively please sign up for our weekly newsletter by registering below.

Latest COVID Vaccination Update

gloved hand holds vial labelled COVID-19 Vaccine

Update as of 4.1.2021

Plans for a local Southam-based COVID-19 vaccination programme are developing well.

We have today been informed by our local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) that the local programme is aiming to commence as early as next week.

We will of course keep you posted, and will inform any patients as and when they are eligible for the vaccination.

For regular updates please visit our COVID-19 VACCINATION Page

Or register for our weekly Newsletter below.

COVID-19 Vaccination Update

gloved hand holds vial labelled COVID-19 Vaccine

In order to keep everyone updated with developments around the COVID-19 vaccination programme we have created a webpage at:

We will update this page regularly with any information available about the local vaccination plan.

The COVID vaccination programme cannot at present be delivered within our local individual practices.

The CCG is in the processes of making arrangements to deliver COVID vaccinations in our area via a central site and we are currently awaiting details, but the CCG have reassured us that they expect vaccinations to commence in the coming weeks. We will keep you posted.

If you wish to register for our weekly email newsletter please register below.

Out of Area Registrations: Temporary Suspension

st wulfstan

In light of the increased demands we are currently facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have decided to temporarily suspend registrations of patients outside of our practice boundary from 7th January 2021. We hope this will be a short term requirement and we will review this again in the coming months.

Therefore at present we can only accept registrations from patients within our Practice Boundary.

To register at St Wulfstan Surgery please click HERE

To see our Practice Boundary please click HERE

COVID-19 Vaccination Update

gloved hand holds vial labelled COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 vaccinations have commenced in some areas of the UK to some patients already.

We are currently waiting for specific plans for the delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations in our area from our local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Plans are underway and the vaccination programme is anticipated to start in the coming weeks. Please check our website for regular updates, and any eligible patients will be notified once vaccinations commence.

Christmas & New Year Opening Hours


Happy Christmas!!

Surgery Christmas and New Year Opening Hours

Thursday 24th December

  • 8.30 - 12.30 open as usual

  • 2.00 – 6.00 phone lines open

Friday 25th December

  • Closed

Saturday 26th December

  • Closed

Sunday 27th December

  • Closed

Monday 28th December

  • Closed

Tuesday 29th December

  • Open as usual

Wednesday 30th December

  • Open as usual

Thursday 31st December

  • Open as usual

Friday 1st January

  • Closed


If you need help while we are closed:

For medical emergencies, please call 999 immediately

For other urgent matters that cannot wait, please call 111

If you think you may have Covid 19, please visit or call 111 for advice

Please find below the Pharmacy Holiday provision:

Friday 25th December

Bilton Pharmacy, 37 The Green, Bilton, CV22 7LZ



Saturday 26th December

Taylors Pharmacy, Market Hill, Southam, CV47 0QA



Monday 28th December

Boots the Chemist, 31 The Parade, Leamington Spa, CV32 4BL



Friday 1st January

Boots the Chemist, 31 The Parade, Leamington Spa, CV32 4BL



COVID-19 Vaccination Update


Covid-19 vaccinations will be provided through a range of local NHS services. The vaccines will be available to everyone who is over 18. You will be invited for vaccination based on nationally set priorities.

St Wulfstan Surgery are not providing Covid-19 vaccinations in the first wave. When more information about local vaccine services is confirmed we will put more information on the practice website and social media. 

Meanwhile, we remain open and are continuing to provide our usual primary care services to all our patients.

Please keep an eye on the surgery website. Advice from the government is regularly updated. The latest advice can be read here.

Get Help if You're Staying At Home due to COVID


Warwickshire County Council have a really helpful form on their website if you need help whilst staying at home due to COVID-19.

The form allows you to select whether you need support with:

  • Delivery of groceries

  • Delivery of cooked meals

  • Dog walking

  • Financial support

  • Delivery of books, board games etc

  • Delivery of prescriptions/medicine

  • Physical and mental wellbeing

  • Friendly telephone call

  • General advice

Please visit the Warwickshire County Council website for further details.