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New one-stop-shop to support transitions for children and young people in Warwickshire

SEND Transitions

With the new school year upon us, the thought of starting in a new educational setting, or moving to a new phase in their education can bring out a range of emotions for a child or young person and their family, including excitement, anticipation, and anxiety. Some children and young people can adapt to these changes effortlessly, while others may require additional support in navigating the changes a new learning environment brings.

It is important to begin preparations as soon as possible to create a positive experience and help with a successful transition. This is why Warwickshire County Council has worked closely with parents, carers, and professionals to create a ‘one-stop-shop’ for advice and guidance to support smooth transitions. Families and professionals can now easily access a set of comprehensive resources online to help prepare for the changes ahead. Whether it’s the move from nursery to primary school, primary school to secondary school, or options for young people aged 16+ and preparing for adulthood; the new Transitions webpages have information to guide you.

The carefully selected resources include:

  • A new transitions animation

  • checklists

  • Transition forms

  • Activities for children and young people

  • Videos

Within each set of resources, there is guidance tailored to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilites (SEND).

New timelines have also been made to provide parents and carers with an overview of key activities throughout the school year, to ensure important deadlines aren’t missed and to support conversations with education settings. Specific timelines are provided for each transition page, both for children and young people with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) or those in receipt of SEN support, and those without.

All transition resources can be found at:

For further support, including a range of tips to help prepare young people acclimatise to a new school in the crucial first weeks, listen to the latest:

Additional support is also available through the Family Information Service on 0800 408 1558 or 01926 742274, via email to or by visiting the Children and Families webpages.