What do our clinical pharmacists do?
We are very lucky here at St Wulfstan Surgery to have two wonderful clinical pharmacists, Mina and Lucinda. But what are clinical pharmacists?
Clinical pharmacists are the go-to people who help patients recover from illness or maintain a healthy lifestyle. The doctor makes the diagnosis and prescribes medications in a general form, but the clinical pharmacist helps make specific decisions.
There is a clinical pharmacist in the surgery every day and they are available for telephone and face to face consultations, and home visits to house bound patients.
What do the clinical pharmacists do?
Help with medication:
adverse reactions
side effects
counselling on medications
opioid reviews
medication shortages
Medication optimisation:
Raised blood pressure
Heart failure
Interpreting blood test results
Hospital discharge:
Help with understanding of Medication changes
Lifestyle modifications:
Smoking cessation/weight management
Referral to Health Coaches and social link workers
Signposting to the Healthy Minds Hub
Frailty medicines assessment through home visits in the community and at care homes