Healthy Minds Hub
Brand new service for St Wulfstan Surgery patients for mental health support!
If you have visited your GP recently with regards to your mental health, you may have heard them tell you about the Healthy Minds Hub. The GP can refer you to this service if they think it is a suitable option for you.
Hayley Moran, our care coordinator, explains a bit more what the Healthy Minds Hub is:
“A patient can currently only be referred to the Healthy Minds Hub by a GP. The referral process is simple, just a cross organisational booking into the PCN Healthy Minds Hub diary. This is so the GP can risk assess the patient first.
I then call each patient in the diary and explain the services we offer (they are identified on the image above) plus I can gauge if a Social Link Worker or Health and Wellbeing Coach may be more suitable. The patient has as long as they like to discuss their needs with me, so its not rushed! Once they have decided which service is best for them, I coordinate all their referrals and appointments and check in regularly to see if they are happy with the services they are being given.
The Healthy Minds Hub currently has reduced waiting times compared to IAPT which is great- as people can access services when they actually need them!”
If you think this is a service that could be of benefit to you, give us a call on 01926 810939!